Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Up in the Air

I haven't written in a week as we've been busy with crazy amounts of birthday party planning, birthday party executing and packing and preparing for my solo trip to D.C.

I am writing to you from the plane.

Delta is a genius. Yes, I like to keep the money spending as low as possible. But I also love the internets. And so here I am, paying for it on the plane. Look how entertained I am! Rad.

This is my first trip without Dave ... ever. His birthday is Thursday and so I am celebrating one year of having a baby by ... not having a baby. If you think about it for a sec I promise it makes sense.

I am headed to D.C. for an interview tomorrow morning for a journalism fellowship which will require me to do a lot of work for a year, starting in September, should I win. I'm not entirely sure I want to win. On the one hand, I love winning. On the other hand, I don't love doing a lot of work. You understand.

Beyond the interview and possible post interview meetings, which should take a minimum of 15 minutes and a max of 3 hours tomorrow, my plans are to enjoy my most favorite place in the world until Sunday. This includes a few runs (with the goal of working up to 7.5 miles by the end of the week) possible swim in my favorite un-favorite pool (I just spent 1/2 hour trying to find a column I wrote about this for a D.C. weekly but can't, so tough for you. It's funny, though), sitting in Ebs journaling and reading my Bible, attending church Saturday, eating food that is not healthy with people who I love, spending time with those same people and maybe getting a few more hours of sleep than I normally do.

.... And I am hoping to find God during this trip more than I have in a long time. I let myself get so busy, so distracted. But D.C. is like my mecca, my place of spiritual enlightenment. So much growth happened there before. I want to see it happen again.


  1. Painfully obvious I have NOT been keeping up with you! Congrats on going for the journalism fellowship. A hundred questions I have!
    And considering that I firmly believe it would be more logical if Mother's Day was spent far from the children and husband, I can see your point.

  2. Ahh-- see, I should have read this before you came. I was unprepared for the waistline expansion that surely happened with all of that food indulgence!! You were off running during the day, but I was off sitting on my butt in the office. Sigh.
    It was SOO good to see you! Can't wait to see you again soon!
