Monday, January 3, 2011

New Year and That Stuff

I looked back at last December/January and was very disappointed in me to see that I hadn't bothered with my typical New Years post. There are some things that should just continue, ya know? And the fact that my husband had JUST come home from war -- not an excuse.

Without these posts HOW am I supposed to look back and say "look what I did that I said I would do!"

Answer: you can't.

Most of my goals this year are related to triathlon. Last year I did my first three races -- this year I'm looking to do four, plus a half marathon in June.

Right now I am eyeing 2011 races for late April, mid May, June (the half marathon), July and hopefully something in the fall. We also will do the Army 10-Miler in October (yay!). I want to do four triathlons, at least.

I've already started the year off with a training bang. ... or finished the last year off with one? Or whatever. Either way we did a 5 mile run on Friday, core work at home Saturday (stupid gym was closed! What gives, MWR?) and I did an 8 mile solo run Sunday (after which I literally could not move all day. I mean, standing in church was a serious problem). This morning I swam 2,000 meters.

It would really help if this head cold would go all the way away.

Here's to looking hotter in my running tights by the end of 2011. I mean, really ... those things are amazing to wear but I cannot imagine that I look good in them.

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