Thursday, December 18, 2008

I Hate Snow (and other sundry items)

First off, Crazy Cookie Day. It was crazy. It was full of cookies. And it lasted most of the day.

And that's really the long and the short of it. All in all I put together two large platters of cookies and 17 individual plates for soldiers and their wives.

Photographic evidence:

Whoa dang.

One word: snow.

And there is a lot of it. Remember the story about how I almost died? Yeah, that would've happened again today except I knew better. How did I know? Because Luke called from the corner to warn me. He then spent almost a half hour driving about 1/2 mile trying to get to post. I feel like you should see a map demonstrating this.

Red = the distance Luke went in 1/2 hour. Green = where he was trying to turn off. Blue = Where it was backed up to.

That's what I'm talking about.


I do think it's beautiful the way it's still falling .... I'll give you that. Other than that, I hate it with a PASSION.

1 comment:

  1. It's so weird that you're getting snow and I'm getting rain. I think that's backwards.

    Beautiful cookies!
