Thursday, September 17, 2009


D.C. is my place of dreams.

Whenever I am here I am inspired to try bigger, go farther and have faith a little more. Maybe it's my history here -- this is the place that I really found myself as a Christian and a believer. Sure, I was a Christian before I got here, but it was while in this place that I figured out what that really, truly means and the sacrifice and, well, dangerous, uncertain living that requires.

If there was ever something dangerous and uncertain, it's the Army life. At least our friends in the civilian world can convince themselves that they have some measure of control over their day-to-day and five-year-plan. But those of us relying on the Army for our bread and butter know better than to even subscribe to such a notion. We know that all the planning in the world will not make the Army have us do what we want (hint: not move to Alaska. Ever.).

And so I find myself here, back in the dreaming stage -- the stage of "what if?" and "do I have the faith?" and "do I love God enough to be willing to live on the the edge of reason? Am I willing to do whatever?" (Because it's not really about DOING the whatever -- sometimes that's the easy part! It's about being WILLING.)

My [someday in person] friend Tabitha put up a great post today on this subject ... I encourage you to read it here. Obedience is how we really love God. ...

This morning I had a fantastic meeting with Heather Zemple, one of the pastors at my D.C. church NCC. While I caught her up on our Crazy Army Life, what we are doing in ministry and our "plans" for the future, I got the dreaming spark again. I am freshly excited about the adventure of serving God and what that means now and down the road. I'm excited about the learning process. I'm excited about the journey.

And I'm excited about Luke coming home and sharing these things with me.

We are in D.C. just a few more days. This trip has seemed long and short at the same moment. Today we're taking a bit of a break and mostly chilling back at Hyla's so Dave (aka Mr. Cranky Pants) can get a few good naps in. (Oh, um, and I may have joined him in one of those, haha). This evening I'm going to try and catch up with a friend at Ebs (funny story about that later) and go to dinner at Bistro with Hyla (or special dinner place... so excited!)


  1. I definitely prayed before you left that this trip would be a time of refocusing and excitement about God's plan for your life! Its super cool that He's answering that prayer :-)
    Cant wait to see you next week..
